Is Flow compatible with MSFS 2024?

Creation date: 11/23/2024 12:40 PM    Updated: 11/26/2024 6:17 PM    2024 compatibility flow help menu
Hi, I am trying to assign a key to 'Help Menu', but when I go to the control configuration menu in Microsoft Flight Sim 2024, i am unable to find the option 'Help menu'.
Can you help me get my Flow Pro working?


Hi, thanks for reaching out.

With the release of Microsoft Flight Sim 2024, the fun began on product compatibility, please read more.

Regarding the product you are inquiring about, please check its current status on Our 2024 Compatibility Dashboard

If you have read the above and still believe the issues you are facing are not related, please supply as much detail as you can, including steps you have taken to rectify the issue, current versions of the product and the Sim being used, steps to reproduce the issue, and any other information you can think of that will assist.

Select this category when you're having trouble USING a product you recently purchased.